JakobsenID is committed to handling personal information appropriately, this includes our privacy principles:
We comply with all applicable laws, regulations and legal authorities
We do not share identity information without the individual's consent or a legal requirement
We do not store data unless the customer requests us to, or we are legally required to do so
JakobsenID offers the following key privacy policy guidelines:
Standardization: JakobsenID prioritizes adherence to recognized federal and industry standards, policies, best practices, and procedures
Openness and Transparency: JakobsenID’s privacy practices, business associate agreements, dispute resolution processes and other similar policies and agreements that support the use and exchange of digital identity information, are readily available to those with the legal right to review the information
Consent: JakobsenID will not communicate personal identifiable information (PII) externally without the consent of the data subject or other legal authority
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability: JakobsenID will manage and exchange digital PII under the latest NIST guidelines
Audit Disclosure: JakobsenID will maintain appropriate systems that support the relevant tracking of PII disclosures